Special Technical Services LLC (STS), was awarded the turnaround of Salalah Methanol in April 2014.
The Turnaround was executed on time and without LTI (lost time injury). SMC Management appreciated STS' professionalism and efforts in managing resources and logistics which was commendable, considering the geographical location of the plant.
STS Shutdown Manager commented, "The SMC Turnaround presented lots of logistical issues, which were taken as challenges, and were resolved by close coordination and cooperation among the concerned STS departments. At the site, safe work and proper coordination between STS and its subcontractors played a major role in the timely and successful completion of the turnaround. Lastly, the trust and understanding of SMC Management was crucial in the LTI-free delivery of their first turnaround."
STS has once again demonstrated that with careful planning, close coordination, safe work practices and most importantly team work, stressful and time-bound projects can be completed on time and without LTI.